Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Questions for the Interviewer

As I mentioned in my last post, it is very important to be prepared with a list of questions to ask the interviewer at the end of any interview. It is important to know the company's Web site, you would not want to ask a question that can be easily answered online. However, asking for clarification of an issue or a topic you noticed online can be an easy way to show you did your homework.

General Questions:
Can you tell me a little bit about the culture of your agency?
How does the agency work to maintain a work/life balance?
What do you like most about working here?

What do you like most about working for a small/large agency?
How does working for an independent/nonindependent PR agency affect your work?

About the Position:
What is the strongest aspect of this internship/position?
What are some of the accounts I could be working on?
How many people work in the department?

After the Interview:
What is the next step?
If given a job offer, what would be my start date?

Topics of personal interest to you:
As a Spanish major, I am interested in the possibility of working with the Hispanic community. Will this option be available to me here?
I noticed your company worked with (client's name), what was unique about this client? What made you decide to go the route you did on their campaign?

These questions provide a starting point. There are several books, such as Ron Fry's "101 Smart Questions to Ask on your Interview," and blogs available to expand on the subject.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I actually have become the interviewer in my job recently, and you are so right. An interviewee who comes prepared, knows something about my firm and has questions of his/her own scores so many more points than those who can only answer my questions.