Monday, April 23, 2007

Interview Checklist

Over the past few months I have been on several interviews and have developed some great interviewing skills, especially when it comes to a public relations interview. In an effort to help all those aspiring PR professionals who will follow in my footsteps, here is my interview checklist:

1) Be prepared. Have good directions to the business, find out about parking arrangements and the names and positions of the people who will be interviewing you.

2) Research the company. Check the news for recent stories on the company and do extensive searching on their Web site for clients, culture, goals and names of higher ups.

3) Be on time! This should be a given , but again- do not be late! This says to the company that the position is that important to you.

4) Make a list of questions ahead of time. At the end of every interview, the interviewer says, "Do you have any questions?" No, is the absolute worst answer you can give. Prior to every interview I made a list of questions I wanted to know about the company and the position to let the interviewer know I was intuitive and interested in the company.

5) Practice interviewing. Visit the career center at your school and go on as many interviews as possible for the experience, even if it is not your dream job.

1 comment:

Victoria said...

this is something that goes for every interview, but dress appropriately! make sure that you look the part of someone who works in the industry, rather than a college student who hastily threw an outfit together. in a field where your job is about the aesthetics of a client, you want to make sure you have the right look as well.